On Becoming An HGV Driver

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Becoming an HGV driver, finally completing your training and passing your test, is an exciting moment. A chance to enter on a new path, a new career, full of promise and exciting prospects.

And the opportunity to put into place all that training and knowledge.

Naturally, alongside the excitement you may find a few uncertainties in the mind as well. After all, you are stepping a little bit into the unknown so it’s only to be expected that there may be a couple of butterflies of apprehension on the tummy.

Which is why gaining a few ideas of what you can expect in the early stages after becoming an HGV driver and taking on a new role.

Your New Job Jitters

You may well find that your new career may come with a few pre-start nerves along the way. It’s not uncommon at all – after all you’re about to enter a new industry in which you’re going to be in control of a very large vehicle.

Don’t worry about this. It’s normal, it’s expected and almost everyone has encountered it at the outset of their career.

So embrace these nerves and then overcome them.

The best way to do this is to get a good and full night of rest before your first day, so that you are fresh and bright-eyed on the job.

And remember – you have been through a full and thorough training course from which you have had to pass a rigorous test. You have demonstrated that you are more than up to the task of the job.

Be confident in your ability and remember all you have learned.

Keep In Touch With the Loved Ones

It’s a great job with plenty of freedoms that you simply cannot get or experience from other ‘office’ style jobs. However, there is no getting away from the fact that you will spend a lot of time in your own company wile driving your lorry.

This is one of the exciting and potentially disconcerting aspects of becoming an HGV driver.

We would heartily recommend that in order to adjust to this and to maintain good spirits on the job, that you remember to keep in touch with family, friends or other loved ones while away. Don’t phone while driving, of course – but when on a rest break or similar, why not call home, send a WhatsApp or text, just to keep in touch.

Come to Terms With Irregular Hours

The working pattern involves somewhat unconventional hours and it’s something you need to be able to adjust to and get used to on becoming an HGV driver.

This is no 9-5 job and if that’s something from which you’ve come, then there is quite a change to make in terms of your personal life, sleep patterns and such like. You might be driving through the night or very early in the morning. Maybe on the road through the weekends or bank holidays.

It does take a little bit of getting used to, but you will be amazed how quickly you adjust.

Know the Best Locations to Rest

It might sound a little trite to say, but quickly establishing the best locations to rest, stop off or eat while on your journeys can make the transition into the new career that much more pleasant. Ask more experienced drivers where best to park up on any given route, take advice about best practice in terms of stopping, taking rest times etc.

And maybe plan ahead.

Eventually you will have an inherent knowledge of the best parking areas, services and rest stops along all your routes, but in the early stages, it might mean a bit of forward planning and research to understand those well lit areas and suitable spots to make your day on the road a little more comfortable.